#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Example front-end CGI script for Sherlock # Written by Martin Mares and declared public domain use strict; use warnings; use lib 'lib/perl5'; use Sherlock::Query(); use Sherlock::CGI; # Options (parsed by the CGI module) my $query; # User's query my $magic; # Magic debugging switch my $show_first; # First item to show my $how_many; # How many items to show my %option_table = ( 'query' => { 'var' => \$query }, 'magic' => { 'var' => \$magic, 'check' => '\d+', 'default' => 0 }, 'first' => { 'var' => \$show_first, 'check' => '\d+', 'default' => 1 }, 'count' => { 'var' => \$how_many, 'check' => '\d+', 'default' => 10 } ); # Prototypes of functions sub page_top(); sub page_bottom(); sub page_error($); sub page_result_top($); sub page_result_card($$); sub page_result_bottom($); sub construct_query(); # The heart of the script print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; Sherlock::CGI::parse_args(\%option_table); page_top(); if ($query ne "") { my $full_query = construct_query(); print "

Sending query:

", html_escape($full_query), "\n" if $magic; my $q = new Sherlock::Query('localhost:8195'); my $res = $full_query ? $q->query($full_query) : "-999 Bad query syntax"; if ($res =~ /^-/) { page_error($res); } else { page_result_top($q); foreach my $c (@{$q->{CARDS}}) { page_result_card($q, $c); } page_result_bottom($q); } } page_bottom(); exit 0; # Print page header, style sheet and pre-filled query form sub page_top() { print < BeautySalons.com - $query

EOF ; print "

Search: \n"; print self_form('query' => undef, 'first' => undef); print "

\n"; } # Print page footer sub page_bottom() { print < EOF ; } # Print search server error message sub page_error($) { my ($err) = @_; my ($code,$msg) = $err =~ /^-(\d+)\s+(.*)/; print "

Error: $msg

\n"; } # Print debugging output if requested sub debug($$$) { my ($q, $what, $title) = @_; if ($magic) { print "


" if $title; print "
		$q->format(sub { print html_escape($_[0]); }, $what);
		print "
\n"; } } # Print header of query results sub page_result_top($) { my ($q) = @_; my $hdr = $q->{HEADER}; debug($q, $hdr, "Response header:"); my $ftr = $q->{FOOTER}; debug($q, $ftr, "Response footer:"); my $db = ${$hdr->{'(D'}}[0]; # expecting a single database print "

We Found ", $db->{'T'}, " documents in ", $ftr->{'t'}/1000, "s. For - ", html_escape($query), "\n"; print "

    \n"; } # find meta-information tagged with a given tag sub find_meta($$) { my ($c, $meta) = @_; foreach my $m (@{$c->{'M'}}) { return $m if $m =~ /$meta/; } return ""; } # format text snippet sub format_snippet($) { my ($snip) = @_; $snip =~ s/<(\/?)([^>]*)>/ "$1$2" eq "\/block" ? " ... " : $2 eq "best" ? "<$1b>" : $2 eq "found" ? "<$1b>" : "" /ge; $snip =~ s/\s+\.\.\.\s*$//; $snip =~ s/\s\s+/ /g; return $snip; } # Print a single card of result sub page_result_card($$) { my ($q, $c) = @_; my $url = ${$c->{'(U'}}[0]; # use only the first URL block, ignore the rest my $URL = html_escape($url->{'U'}); # the URL itself, HTML-escaped my $title = find_meta($c, ''); # page title (if any) print "<li><strong><a href='$URL'>", $title ne "" ? format_snippet($title) : $URL, "</strong></a>\n"; if (@{$c->{'X'}}) { # context (if any) print "<br>"; print format_snippet(join(" ", @{$c->{'X'}})); print "\n"; } print "<br><a href='$URL'>$URL</a>"; # URL print " , Document Size: ", $url->{'s'}, " bytes"; # size print ", Type: ", $url->{'T'}; # content-type print " (", $url->{'c'}, ")" if defined $url->{'c'}; # content-type and charset #print ", Q=", $c->{'Q'}, "\n"; # quality print "<br><br>"; # URL debug($q, $c, ""); } # Print footer of query results sub page_result_bottom($) { my ($q) = @_; print "</ol>\n"; # navigation buttons print "<p> <!--end resluts-->"; my $num_replies = $q->{HEADER}->{'N'}; print "<center>"; print "<a href='", self_ref('first' => $show_first-$how_many), "'><font size=4> [Prev] </h1></font>\n" if $show_first > $how_many; print "<a href='", self_ref('first' => $show_first+$how_many), "'><font size=4> [Next] <h1></font>\n" if $show_first+$how_many <= $num_replies; #print "<a href='", self_ref('magic' => 1), "'>Debug</a>\n" if !$magic; #print "<a href='", self_ref('magic' => 0), "'>bugeD</a>\n" if $magic; print "</center>"; print "<br><br></TD><TD width=200 align=center valign=TOP>"; print "<script>\n"; print "listings = new Array ();\n"; print "</script>\n"; print "<script src=\"http://www.searchfeed.com/rd/feed/JavaScriptFeed.jsp?cat=$query&trackID=F2326158308&pID=8062&nl=5&excID=\"></script>\n"; print "<script>\n"; print "if (listings != null && listings.length > 0) {\n"; print "document.write(\"<table border=0 cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0 width=100%>\");\n"; print "document.write(\"<tr><td colspan=3><img src='http://www.searchfeed.com/rd/Images/pixel.gif' height=4></td></tr>\");\n"; print "document.write(\"<tr>\");\n"; print "document.write(\"<td><img src='http://www.searchfeed.com/rd/Images/pixel.gif' width=4></td>\");\n"; print "\n"; print "document.write(\"<td width='100%' BGCOLOR=#EDFDF7>\");\n"; print "document.write(\"<center><b><u>Sponsored Listings</u></b></center><br>\");\n"; print "for (i = 0; i < listings.length; i++) {\n"; print "var title = listings[i].title;\n"; print "if (listings[i].title.length > 150)\n"; print "title = listings[i].title.substring(0, 150) + \"...\";\n"; print "\n"; print "document.write(\"<a href='\" + listings[i].uri +\"'><font face='verdana,sans-serif' size='2'>\" + title + \"</font></a><br>\");\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "var desc = listings[i].description;\n"; print "if (listings[i].description.length > 550)\n"; print "desc = listings[i].description.substring(0, 550) + \"...\";\n"; print "document.write(\"<font face='verdana,sans-serif' size='1'> \" + desc + \"</font><br>\");\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "if (i < listings.length-1)\n"; print "document.write(\"<br>\");\n"; print "}\n"; print "document.write(\"</td>\");\n"; print "document.write(\"<td><img src='http://www.searchfeed.com/rd/Images/pixel.gif' width=1 height=1></td>\");\n"; print "document.write(\"</tr>\");\n"; print "document.write(\"<tr><td colspan=3><img src='http://www.searchfeed.com/rd/Images/pixel.gif' height=4></td></tr>\");\n"; print "document.write(\"</table>\");\n"; print "}\n"; print "</script>\n"; print "</TD></TR></TABLE>"; } # Transform user input to full query (see doc/search for syntax) sub construct_query() { my $qry = "SHOW $show_first.." . ($show_first+$how_many-1) . " "; if ($query =~ /^\s*\?\s*(.*)/) { # "?" starts advanced queries $qry .= $1; } else { # Transform simple query to advanced query my @adv = (); $_ = $query; while (/^\s*(\+|-)?(("[^"]*")|[^" ]+)(.*)/) { $_ = $4; push @adv, ($1 ? ($1 eq "+" ? "" : "NOT ") : "MAYBE ") . ($3 ? $3 : "\"$2\""); } if (!/^\s*$/) { return undef; } $qry .= join(" . ", @adv); } return $qry; }